Making a difference
At Miracle Missions Vimba, we make every effort to make a difference in peoples lives regardless of race, religion, gender, creed, ethnicity, political affiliation or age.
Our vision is to promote initiatives that value: the Gospel, Dignity, Sustainability, Self Sufficiency, Good Governance and bringing Hope to various sectors of society.
Miracle Missions Vimba is an apolitical, nonprofit organisation that believes the key to the future lies in moving away from donor dependency, towards self-sufficiency. Run by Zimbabweans and working for Zimbabweans, Miracle Missions was founded in 2006. Since 2009 it has experienced rapid growth, placing it at the forefront of strategic formulation, community project coordination and implementation.
We have a proven history of success, enjoying the confidence of a vast and intricate network of community, business, and church and government leaders. This network is the pillar for the strategic coordination and implementation of our community empowerment projects across the country. Focusing at grass root roots level, our work addresses moral, spiritual and physical aspects of self development.

Life and Hope for Kids* Vulnerable Populations Support* Civil Service Initiatives* Crisis Response and Management* Environmental Sustainability and Conservation* Community Development Programs*Disability Empowerment and Inclusion* Children With* Feeding and Nutrition Programs* Medical Outreach and Healthcare* Humanitarian Aid and Distributions* Empowerment and Skills Development* Networking and Collaboration Meetings* Counseling and Psychosocial Support* Hunger Alleviation and Food Security* Psychosocial Assistance and Resilience Building

One Child at a Time
At Miracle Missions Vimba we believe the future of Zimbabwe lies in our children. The Life and Hope of Zimbabwe rests in the arms of the youth. It is why we spend so much time investing time, efforts and resources in our children. Miracle Missions Vimba utilises a multi-faceted approach to reach the children of Zimbabwe which includes:
Digital Marketing Course
Networking Meetings
Coding and Robotics
Feeding programs
Christmas Parties
Building Schools
Stationary Packs
Educational Visit
Trauma Trainings

Helping The Community
It was Edward de Bono who said “When the story of these times gets written, we want it to say that we did all we could and it was more than anyone could have ever imagined” With the deteriorating state of the economy in Zimbabwe and prices escalating at an alarming rate, this has resulted in an increase in the number of vulnerable people in Zimbabwe who need urgent care and attention.
There are three main Vulnerable People groups Miracle Missions Vimba makes every effort to fight for:
Persons with Disabilities
Old Age Pensioners
Sex Workers and Victims of Human Trafficking
Disability is not an inability, and the mockery, insults and misconceptions about disability in Zimbabwe need to be addressed.

Reinforcing our Commitment
Miracle Missions Vimba is committed to assisting our Civil Service in a respectable and honorable manner that brings dignity. We work in various sectors of the Civil Service including:
Zimbabwe Republic Police
Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service
Our goal is to work alongside these institutions and seek to provide them with the appropriate necessary resources to help them do their jobs well.
Some of the activities involved include
Prisons Soccer Tournament
ALPHA Ministry
Police Training
Books and Modules
Prison Dental Project
One of the problems faced by Zimbabwe Prisons is a lack of medical facilities and qualified staff, hence our desire to try put in Prison Dental Units. It is of utmost importance to ensure that the prisoners are still kept in sanitary conditions with adequate medical facilities. This is important because it is an attempt to support and protect human rights as per The Declaration of Human Rights. It promises “equal protection by the law” and right to “adequate living standards for themselves and their family, including food, housing, medical care and social security”. By embarking on this project, we hope to improve the current situation.
Reinforcing our Commitment
Miracle Missions Vimba is often called to step into crisis moments in our Nation. Our ability to act quickly and decisively in times of crisis has enabled us to successfully serve our countrymen in times of need. Through the years Miracle Missions Vimba has been involved in supporting fellow Zimbabweans in times of crisis, including economic crisis, natural disasters such as Cyclone Idai and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic. When COVID-19 hit Miracle Missions Vimba Zimbabwe were called upon in many sectors that were impacted and needing help. With the support of various donors and their generous donations, some of the initiatives we have been involved in include:
Feeding Programs
PPE Distributions
Psychosocial Support Programs
One Step at a Time
Waste Management plays a big part in all communities and is everyone’s responsibility. Clean & Green is in partnership with the City of Harare and Environment Management Agency, we network to find solutions, encourage separating of waste at source developing recycling centres and transfer stations, create sustainable projects with job creation, use art to inspire and educate communities about the importance of the environment, on the committee of the Association of Zimbabwe Recyclers, Member of Clean Up The World for 9 years, support National Clean up working with businesses, schools, embassies and churches in promoting a clean and green environment across Zimbabwe.

"It takes a community to raise a child" which also means the village needs to be provided with the necessary equipment and training to ensure children are being raised in a wholesome and friendly environment.
Community Development Projects
Tree Planting Workshops
Psychosocial Support
Mental Health and Awareness
Singing to the Lions
Counselling Sessions
Parent Workshops
Community Leaders Workshops
Pastors Seminars

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Miracle Missions Vimba
Making a Difference
112 Enterprise Road, Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe.